Unique Features

Wheelchair as platform
Suitable for multi-purpose and different requirements on software, AI, and IoT development
Flexible and adaptive wheelchair hardware design such as for disabled, elderly, baby, etc. Or a cargo case/container for foods, daily supplies, etc. and a holder for camera, sensors, or spry.
Build on top of year experiences on wheelchair hardware and cost effectively
Use in limited space like indoor public area, transfer position, remote control, fall detection, hand commands, and independent and automatous driving without network (E.g., WIFI), easy maneuverability
Long battery life for a day use and auto charge in the base
Production Capacity
Work with Hong Kong-based company to design and produce electric wheelchair, with users from elderly home, end users, elderly centre, etc …
Structure and design can be customized and experimental
Years of experience on wheelchair design and production
Manufactory networks and companies in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Shenzhen. Stable and reliable production sources and partners

Inspire-X Development Timeline

Version 1
Create software interface with an existing electric wheelchair platform for educational purpose
Software interfacing to multiple platforms for motor drive (Audrino, Micro:bit, Rasperry Pi, etc.) -
Support multiple programming languages for motion control (Python, Scratch, MakeCode, etc.)
Version 2
Redesigned structure for multi-purpose usage (Person carrying mode or cargo delivery mode)
Enhanced safety with 360˚ obstacle detection
Enhance safety with emergency stop button
Various control methods included gesture control, remote control, voice command, line-following, human identification and heat tracking
Software interface to multiple platforms for motor drive
Support multiple programming languages for motion control (Python, Scratch, MakeCode, etc.)

Version 3
Built on the motor drive platform developed in Version 2
Adding LIDAR and camera for advance AI functions (HKU)
Recognize the gesture of the elderly and able to find its path to go to him
Path planning and able to find its path to different locations, such as toilets, gardens, etc.
Additional functions will be implemented such as obstacle avoidance, remote control, fall detection, emergency stop, and independent and autonomous driving without network (e.g., WIFI), easy maneuverability